Radiance diamond pure facial kit will assent your skin glossy, glistening, shiny purge and feeling natural and refreshed due to the presence of natural active ingredients. It embraces vitamin E, jojoba and real diamond ash that effort together to renovate and purify the skin. It carries zircon ash & lactic acid which gives a uniform complexion & a smooth texture with polishing application to the skin it replenishes, rejuvenates and revitalizes your skin. Suitable for all skin types.
Plants Care
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Radiance diamond pure facial kit will assent your skin glossy, glistening, shiny purge and feeling natural and refreshed due to the presence of natural active ingredients. It embraces vitamin E, jojoba and real diamond ash that effort together to renovate and purify the skin. It carries zircon ash & lactic acid which gives a uniform complexion & a smooth texture with polishing application to the skin it replenishes, rejuvenates and revitalizes your skin. Suitable for all skin types.